The NAACP and the Urban League have condemned GOP presidential hopeful Rick Santorum for reportedly saying in a rant against welfare this week, “I don’t want to make black people’s lives better by giving them somebody else’s money.” The civil rights organizations called the statement “inaccurate and outrageous” and “deliberately fan[ning] the flames of racial divisiveness,” but now Santorum is claiming that he never said what people think he did.

In an interview with CNN’s John King last night, Santorum said, “I didn’t say black”:

SANOTURM: I’ve looked at that quote, in fact I looked at the video. In fact, I’m pretty confident I didn’t say black. I started to say is a word and then sort of changed and it sort of — blah — mumbled it and sort of changed my thought.

via Santorum Denies Making Racially-Charged Claim After Apparently Acknowledging Saying It | ThinkProgress.